Kokoelma: Julkaisutiedot
Metec Oy
Koskelontie 22
02920 Espoo, Finland
Company-register/ business ID: 2823998-8
VAT-ID: FI2823998-8
Phone:(+358) 020 703 2970
Representative/Chair of the Board: Kimmo Pelkonen
EU online platform for dispute resolution: https://www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Koskelontie 22
02920 Espoo, Finland
Company-register/ business ID: 2823998-8
VAT-ID: FI2823998-8
Phone:(+358) 020 703 2970
Representative/Chair of the Board: Kimmo Pelkonen
EU online platform for dispute resolution: https://www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr